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Showing posts from January, 2013

No Mortgage Rest for the Wicked

Pay Your Mortgage Before You Pay Yourself. To many of you, this may sound like common sense, but you'd be surprised at the number of people who haven't taken appropriate measures to manage their finances and mortgages in a sensible way. Mortgages are more than just another loan , it is a financial matter of the up-most importance as it is your home, and a large chunk of change. Though there are a great deal of variables involved in paying a mortgage, there is one specific way to pay that can alleviate a great deal of stress from your life. PAY it When You Get PAID. Most people get paid once a month, or bi-weekly. Your mortgage can be set up by your mortgage broker to coincide with the frequency of your paychecks. This is generally the best situation to have, as it allows the money for your mortgage to come out on the same day as you get paid. Thereby making it appear as an instant transaction, to which you can easily avoid spending beyond your means. Know When to F